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Final report - International freight transport services

The key high-level questions for the inquiry were:  

  • What factors influence the accessibility and efficiency of international freight transport services available to New Zealand firms?  

  • Are there opportunities for changes in New Zealand’s infrastructure and regulatory regimes that could increase the accessibility and efficiency of international freight transport services for New Zealand firms?  

In answering these questions the Commission was asked to pay particular attention to:  

  • the effects of New Zealand’s distance from overseas markets and reliance on overseas providers of international freight transport services;  

  • the costs, efficiency, productivity level and growth of all components of New Zealand’s international freight services supply chain, with international comparisons; and  

  • the effectiveness of current regulatory regimes (including those in the Civil Aviation Act 1990 and Shipping Act 1987), and the potential costs and benefits of alternative regulatory arrangements, with international comparisons. 


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